For the financially successful woman who feels increasingly invisible and unheard, despite her achievements.


Do you lie awake wondering what happened to the creative force that once defined you?

Have you built external success while feeling an inexplicable emptiness inside?

Are you haunted by the feeling your most important contribution remains unexpressed?


Women served


Years liberating inner assets

contained in the voice & message


Generated from

unlocking inner assets


That voice inside that won't be silenced. That knowing that despite all your achievements, your most important contribution remains unexpressed. That persistent voice that whispers to you in the quiet moments when. no one else is watching.

You have the successful life that others dream of.

Financial stability. Professional recognition. The material comfort that comes from decades of discipline and smart decisions. But there's something missing. Something essential. Something that no amount of external success can fulfil. And it's getting harder to ignore for a reason.

"Unexpressed creativity is not benignit metastasises."

Brene Brown

This isn't just discomfort though. It's consequential. When your creative urge, your most authentic voice remains unexpressed, it doesn't simply wait patiently until you feel you're ready. It metastasises into :

Invisible Success – The painful paradox of being congratulated for achievements that feel somehow hollow inside. People see your title, your home, your lifestyle—but not the woman behind it all. You smile and accept the praise while thinking, "If they only knew how empty this feels."

Creative stagnation – That folder of unwritten ideas. The business concept you've been "developing" for years. The book you've started a dozen times. The wisdom that circles in your mind during sleepless nights but never finds expression in the light of day.

Soul-level exhaustion – That bone-deep tiredness no holiday ever seems to fix. The weight of carrying wisdom that needs to be released. The daily energy drain of showing up as the woman everyone expects you to be while keeping your truest self hidden—even from those closest to you. Sometimes even to yourself.

Profound disconnection – You can be surrounded by people yet feel utterly alone. Making small talk at events while yearning for deeper conversation. Building a network of contacts but lacking genuine connection. A version of success that has somehow separated you from what matters most.

The terrifying whisper of irrelevance – Despite decades of building your career, that growing fear that your moment has passed. That your best is behind you. The subtle ways you're being edged out of conversations that once centred around you. Or promotions at work. The creeping dread that your vibrational legacy, your stories, your wisdom, your deepest message will die with you, leaving nothing but physical assets to be divided.


Every day your voice remains unexpressed costs you :


Energy Drained by Holding Back & "Performing"


Deep Connections never made


Impact of your message never realized


Wisdom you worked for that may die with you


Your TRUE Legacy never passed on


That voice inside you isn't just calling for your fulfilment, it's also calling for your survival and the survival of your true legacy!

What if every day you silence that voice, it turns inward and continues its quiet devastation. What if answering that call isn't just about creative expression—but about reclaiming your life force?

Energy Restoration & Survival – When your creative voice flows outward as nature intended, it stops metastasising inward. The exhaustion lifts. The fog clears. The vitality returns. Your body itself begins to heal as your truth finally finds its path of expression. This isn't metaphorical—this is biological liberation.

Irreplaceable Presence & Purpose – In a world of replaceable skills and disposable expertise, your embodied wisdom makes you utterly irreplaceable. When you express and embody the message only you can share—drawn from your unique journey, perspective, and hard-won wisdom—you stop competing and start claiming the singular space that has been waiting for your voice.

Soul-Deep Connection – The walls between your public success and private self crumble. Your dream clients recognize themselves in your authentic expression and are magnetically drawn to the truth you embody. Your loved ones finally meet the woman behind the achievements—the real you with all your messy, beautiful wisdom. This is connection that transcends networking and small talk.

Living, Breathing Legacy – Your wisdom becomes a living force in the world—not just words in a forgotten journal or ideas that die with you. Your perspective, methodology, and unique approach become a body of work that proliferates beyond your lifetime. Your insight preserves and protects future generations in ways your financial assets never could. This is the legacy that cannot be spent, only spread.




For over 20 years I've been helping incredible people to see and express their wisdom, turn it into a business and create the freedom to live life on their own terms. My partner Sean, an estate planner has spent his career helping people secure their financial and physical assets for future generations.

Together we are disrupting the legacy planning industry by asking a bigger question :

What IS Legacy, really?

Most people think legacy is just about money, property and possessions. I know this through my sister company which helps people secure these via wills and Trusts etc. But no matter how much (or, how little) you believe you have in material wealth, you have far more than you know - not just in financial terms, but in knowledge, experiences, skills and stories that could outlive you if you choose to pass them on.

THE wealth YOU DON't see

60% of British people (I was born in the UK) don't even have a will in place - not that a will alone is anywhere near enough. This is why, no matter what you do have right now, if your ancestors had understood the truth about legacy, your estate would be way larger! But, as well as your physical assets, I am equally passionate about protecting and growing your inner assets - have you ever stopped to think about how much gold there is in who you truly are and what you're really here to share?

Did you know that 81% of people say they want to write a book? I believe that's because, deep down, they

know their story is an essential part of their true legacy. And yet out of every 1,000 people who start writing, only six will finish. That means 99.4% of stories, wisdom and insights die with the person who holds them and this is a reality I simply cannot live with so I created a body of work to ensure it never happens again - not in my presence.

Introducing: The Walking, Talking Legacy™ Activation

$27 Today (Valued at $297)

Includes :


The comprehensive PDF guide to activating your Walking, Talking Legacy™ and sharing the power of your authentic voice in the world.


Audio recording of the guide narrated by Mimi (perfect for your daily commute, your daily walk or quiet reflection time).


The exact 30-day process that has helped thousands of women transform unexpressed wisdom into their most valuable asset

This is typically only available as part of my $5,555 programme.

This $27 special access will only be available for a limited time.

What You'll Discover Inside:

Why Your Creative Urge is Urgent – Understand why that voice inside won't leave you alone and what it's trying to tell you.

The Voice of Transformational Legacy – Drawn from decades of experience working with top 1% coaches, speakers, best selling international authors therapists to the stars and award winning entrepreneurs along with my Filipino Babaylan 'voice healing' heritage and work in disrupting the traditional estate planning industry.

Rebuild trust in yourself, with your ideal clients, and reclaim and properly secure your true legacy as the beneficiary of 'The Divine Trust Fund".

Inner-to-Outer Asset Integration – How to amplify and expand your financial assets with your soul's wisdom and the power of your voice.

The Integrated Legacy System – Transform your personal transformation into multi-generational impact.


You'll be :

  • Waking up each morning with newfound energy,

  • Excited to express rather than exhausted from suppressing and ;

  • You'll have the first chapter of your new (true) legacy documented in a way that both builds your self trust, your business and preserves your wisdom for generations to come too!



"Something amazing happens doing this"

"Something amazing happens doing this. It's more than you expect. Just do it."

- Nina Powell

"One of the best experiences of my life!"

"Working with you was one of the best experiences of my life.  You helped me to gain clarity on what I truly wanted to do with my life and helped me enormously and with great kindness and loving support to move to a more content and effective place in my life and work. This really is a must do - it will change you, your life and your work in so many good ways.

- Noreen Todd

"The most transformative focused online experience I' have witnessed to date."

"This has been the most transformative focused online experience I have witnessed to date. It has compelled us to complete major goals that often take us 10 years to reach."

- Camalo Gaskin

"I feel aligned sharing my message now."

"I haven't seen/heard anything like this previously.  It’s simple and easy to do and doesn't take much time. I feel more accepting of myself and my reflections. I feel happier and more confident, and even excited to share them. I feel aligned sharing my message now."

- Jodie Stacey

"She asks the questions that take you to the root of who you are and why you are here."

"Mimi asks the questions that take you to the root of who you are and why you are here. Then she works with you to build a framework to take you to full visibility."

- Bindi Gauntlett

"The single most powerful process I may ever have done."

"The single most powerful process I may ever have done."

- Julie Holmwood

"Somehow you have rewired my brain."

"Somehow you have rewired my brain and now everything I've ever thought, that I really wanted to organise and communicate, is just flowing out of me.  I almost can't keep up."

- Joanne Milsom

"It has been life changing and life saving"

"For me it has been life changing and life saving as it gave me a positive thread to link to whilst travelling through a difficult part of my journey.

Your generosity and warmth is invaluable and you shine a light for so many to gather warmth and strength from."

- Monica Devine

"I am astounded."

"I am astounded by the growth that I have experienced. I have got so much more clarity around what it is I am actually offering and what my message is. 

I managed to secure a significant rate increase which I've been wanting to do for months but haven't had the guts to do until now."  

- Shiraya Adani

From One Woman Who Lost and Reclaimed Her Voice MANY TIMES

to Another Who Can't Ignore HerS Calling ANY LONGER:


I need to share something deeply personal with you.

Yes, I spent decades helping others find their voice – from shy performers to Brit Award winners, from struggling entrepreneurs to 7-figure business owners. I built a multiple 6-figure business helping others express their truth.

And then I went silent.

For seven years after a traumatic divorce, I made the heartbreaking choice to hide away. To not share my message. To not speak my truth. To dim my light and silence my own voice—even as I helped others find theirs.

The universe has a way of making itself heard when we don't listen.

My unexpressed creativity metastasized in my body. Shingles appeared on my face. Glaucoma developed in my left eye. My body was literally trying to force me to see and speak what I was hiding.

This isn't just philosophy. This is biology.

I understand what it takes to overcome the paralyzing fear of truly expressing yourself. The terror of allowing yourself to be seen as all of who you really are. The vulnerability of answering the call when it would be easier to stay silent.

But I also understand this truth: that voice inside you doesn't get quieter when ignored—it gets louder. It makes its presence felt in bigger and more consequential ways.

I've lost too many friends at this point. Brilliant women who never put their truth and life's work into the world. Who never left the legacy they were truly put here to leave. Who took their wisdom to the grave.

I cannot do this anymore. I cannot watch women do this anymore.

My journey from the painfully shy child who wouldn't answer her name on the school register, to the woman who built a successful business through her voice, to the woman who lost her voice in trauma, to the woman standing before you now has taught me something profound:

Your voice isn't just sound. It's frequency. It's energy. It's impact. It's medicine.

It carries your wisdom, your stories, your truth—the real gold you've been gifted to pass on.

And I refuse to let that gold die with you.

STILL NOT SURE if this is for you?

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions are the answers. If you have any that are not answered below please email [email protected]

This is for you if...

You've achieved financial success but feel creatively unfulfilled You hear a persistent calling but aren't sure exactly what it's asking you to express You worry your wisdom will die with you instead of creating lasting impact You feel increasingly invisible despite your achievements You know deep down that until you answer this call, something essential will remain incomplete You want your legacy to include both your financial assets AND your inner wisdom

Who is it not for?

Those who believe that life is simply about making as much money as possible by any means necessary. Those who have no desire to unfold into their highest version and make their unique contribution in the world. Those who judge and try to bring others down in order to make themselves feel more powerful. Bullies need not apply (unless you are ready to transform). Also, this is not counselling or therapy. If you need this kind of support please feel free to let me know as I can recommend some of my past clients to you who are wonderful at what they do too.

What happens when you answer the call?

Energy returns – Your creative force flows outward instead of metastasising inward Visibility emerges – Your authentic wisdom makes you utterly irreplaceable Connection deepens – With yourself, your ideal clients, and across generations Impact expands – Your inner assets amplify your outer achievements. Legacy activates – Your wisdom creates value that outlasts your lifetime

What if I don't know what I want to express / do yet?

Don't worry that's completely normal. There's a process to go through before clarity can drop in. Before you will be able to see your highest vision clearly you'll need to see and step into the highest version of yourself and see through their eyes. The first step is to do 'The Inner Walk' and answer the question I present to you in my activation audio. Download it now and let's see where it takes us!

I think I recognise you. Did you used to go by a different name?

If you recognise me (and parts of my process) from times gone by I am SO happy to reconnect with you and YES! It is me. I chose to change my name in order to feel safe enough to get my work back out into the world after a long 'dark night of the soul' experience which I'm sure I'll share with you at some point.

Who is Mimi?

Mimi stands at the rare intersection of soul expression, ancestral wisdom, business transformation and true legacy.

Having dedicated her life to liberating the authentic voices of over 3,500 individuals across the globe she is passionate about helping (especially women) to reclaim the power of their voice, for themselves, their loved ones and the people they are here to serve. She specialises in empowering them to "communicate in state" whether internally, in their homes or for their their work or businesses, enabling them to amplify and secure their highest vision for their life and legacy in the process.

Drawing from her Filipino Babaylan lineage—spiritual leaders and healers known for using voice as medicine—Mimi carries forward an ancient understanding that voice is not merely sound, but frequency, energy, and transformative power. This heritage revealed itself early when, as a child, she would lay on the earth "singing to the sky," instinctively understanding that her voice shaped the world around her.

Her profound connection to voice as both legacy and healing continued through life's most sacred moments—singing to each of her children in the womb, creating sonic imprints before their first breath, and later, tenderly singing her 97-year-old grandmother into peaceful transition as she passed away in Mimi's arms on the very day she first became a mother.

This extraordinary understanding of voice as both beginning and culmination has made her uniquely positioned to guide others in expressing their deepest wisdom. Her client portfolio reads like a testament to authentic expression across industries—from Brit Award-winning vocalists and TV personalities to top 1% entrepreneurs, speakers, and therapists to the stars.

Through her transformative methodology, Mimi has helped clients generate over £9 million in sales by liberating their inner assets and amplifying them through authentic voice expression—proving that unexpressed wisdom isn't just a personal tragedy, but a business liability.

After a period of profound personal transformation following her divorce, where unexpressed creativity manifested as physical ailment, Mimi emerged with her most powerful methodology yet: The Walking, Talking Legacy™ Activation.

This revolutionary framework helps financially successful women transform their unexpressed wisdom into their most valuable asset—making them utterly irreplaceable while preserving their wisdom for generations. Today, Mimi stands at the forefront of disrupting the legacy planning industry through her innovative company that integrates inner assets with outer achievements.

Her pioneering approach fundamentally challenges traditional legacy planning by recognizing that a woman's most valuable assets aren't just financial—they're the wisdom, perspective, and creative force she carries within her.

Recognized as a visionary in holistic legacy transformation, Mimi's work creates a new paradigm where voice—both literal and metaphorical—becomes central to how women preserve and protect what matters most, while amplifying their impact in business and life.

Mimi currently resides in Surrey with her three children, creating her legacy with her beloved and drawing strength from her incredible father. Her life embodies her philosophy: that our truest legacy lives in the gifts we retrieve, recognise and express, the healing we create, and the voice we liberate—both within ourselves and in others.

Why is it $27?

This transformational guide and audiobook normally form part of my premium Walking, Talking Legacy™ programme (valued at $5,555).

But I believe so deeply in the importance of this work – and the urgency of answering the call of that voice inside you before your unexpressed creativity metastasises any further – that I wanted to make it available to you as a standalone offering at this price point. I am of course hoping that once you've experience this work first hand you will want to join one of my other offerings too!

But this isn't about money. It's about mission. That voice inside you is not just calling for your fulfilment. It's calling for the impact that only you can create in a reality that my children (and hopefully one day my grandchildren) will inherit.

This is my souls purpose and I am so grateful to be able to offer you a glimpse into my world. I hope and intend that it will serve you in ways you may not even imagine right now.

In case you're asking why it's not free, even though it's a low price point I am hoping that if you invest even $27 it will make it more likely for you to make the time to read and listen to how this process works.


$27 Unlocks Your Activation
(PDF Guide + Audio Narration by Mimi)

That voice inside you isn't going away.

It's getting louder because what you carry within you is too important to remain unexpressed!

I'm here to help you find the clarity, confidence, courage and connection to share it with those who need it in a way that gives you more of everything you want and allows you to leave your true legacy.

Copyright © 2017 - 2025 Michelle Mahal

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